
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Te Wa Toi - Art Tour

My favourite art is in Rm 5s because the red skins where made on the house and I want to ete the red skin so the peopol wold have no more and I will say yum.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Te Wa Toi - Hyperstudio Picture

This is my te wa toi hyper studio Picture.
I like it because it is fun to do. It is part of my family and my culture.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been  good and bad this year.

I was really good when I was doing my Prizegiving dance practice and I will always practice singing at home.

I was a little bit naughty when I did not do my work on my iPad.

I will try to be on my best behaviour by doing my learning.

 from Zar Quaejah.

Santa's Problem

One fine day at Sylvia park there was a man with a white beard and a red suit. He had a problem because Santa’s elves were gone and Santa said where are my alves” and then he drove to the park and he did not see them so he saw people he asked “had you seen my elves?” and the they said what do they look like and Santa said they have green shoes and green pants and a red T-shirt I have lost them and then Santa hird a noise and it was Santa’s reindeer’s and he said have you seen my elves the reindeers said no and then Santa went on his reindeers and went to movies and  find them and got told of from Santa and they got back to work and when they finished they gave the presents out then they went to the movies.

The Sky Ladder

Ones upon a time there was a little old house. And then suddenly a man came and climbed up the ladder and looked at the sky and jumped of the ladder and then the sky was yellow and then he got magic an he floated in the sky and he felt a little pinch he went down safely and then his magic was gone and then he saw a great big dragon and he was so scared of the dragon and the dragon came closer and the man touched the dragon and the dragon was gone then he realised that if he uses something or if he touches something it will go then both of them came back The End.

To my 2019 Teacher.

To my 2019 teacher,
Hi my name is Zar Quaejah. I am 7 years old I want you to know some things about me. My favourite things to do at school are playing maths games and HEIHEI  and playing with my friends. My friends at school are Afuafu and Brooke. I don’t like it when my friends are mean. I hope we have heaps of fun next year!
From Zar Quaejah.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Making Smoothies

smoothies Ms gaston made smoothies for room 27 it is yum and delicious I like it.Smoothies are so delicious. The ingredients was Banana, yoghurt and milk. My favourite ingredients was everything the whole thing was delicious. Yesterday was so much fun I like yesterday. The smoothie was so so delicious.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018


Duffy gives us books for free. we are so lucky that our school gets them because not every school does. My favourite books are the three little pigs and pancake Attack it goes like this one pig makes a straw house and it gets blowed down from the wolf the wolf said I will puff and huff and he blowed his hose down and his hose got mast up and got blowed down and  the  2nd was sticks then the wolf came again and blowed it down and then the 3rd  hose got brick but it did not get blowed down because brick is strong and hard. Now it is my other favourite book is pancake attack jacko made most of his life making pancakes.  he said to his brother whip it tip it keep it together throw it and know its as light as a feather and then the pancake went on jacko. But the pancake that jacko made was bigger then the tow big kids and then people gave jacko a prize for cooking the best pancake and it said on the prize best pancake cook the prize was a meddle but it is a gold meddle and he had a anther big big circle and it was gold and it said on the prize first prize one grand pancake competition 
jacko jackson. and then lots of people came to see him and taste his pancake and look how to make his pancake because all the people like his pancakes and then he made a big pot of mixture to make pancakes. There was  so much pancakes will you finish lots of pancakes or lot of  cakes  if  the pancakes are yuk not yum. have you got a blog or do you not have a blog yes or no I know that some people don,t have a blog the end 

Friday, 24 August 2018

Team 2s new Garden

I want to plant  strawberries  in our new garden, because I like strawberries. they are nice and yum
I like  bananas. I  like mango  to they are nice To. even some apples they are nice and juicy. 

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

where has vj been

VJ says he has been staying with his nana and koro up north. but, I think he was
really at home playing the game of fortnite. I think he only got 2 kills. Probably he went to
the pools on Sundays. I think he was at a witch's home. He was cooking a Big black pot of
soup , he put in smelly socks, smelly undys, it had frogs, hair, and a broken chair.
probably he had a cake at the witchs home I think he had fun
at the wichs home. The wich was so ugly and smally.  When the wich flys on her broom she
smalls  so yuck i bet you she smalls like cat poo  The black pot smalls like a yuck it smalls like a dog poo . Probably  Vj dose not small too.