
Monday, 17 May 2021

Layers of the Earths Atmosphere.

 The Atmosphere has oxygen and nitrogen gas. Without the atmosphere, there will be no more life on earth. There are 5 layers.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Research presentation.

Immersion Assembly.

 On a cold fogey Monday the  whole school lined up to go to Immersion Assembly when we arrived at immersion Assembly we had to sit on the floor. But the movies were my favourite part.My favourite movie was team ones movie. And my second favourite movie was our movie that our teachers made in team 4. Then we finished the Immersion Assembly. So then the year  ones went first back to they'er class .And then the year twos went and then on went the year trees and then us which was  team four and the you  and then team three which was the year fours. So then Mrs Lagitupu told us that we were going to learn about the planet  and the spheres. But the most interesting thing was  Mr Jacobsons section so the point  of him making the section was to look at stuff closer like the stars the moon and the sun you can  even use it during the daytime. Mr Jacobson even he made it at his house which surprised me so much he is agread artest. Team one was learning about where the sun goes. Team Fives was fun.The year threes play was so interesting too.