Monday, 7 December 2020
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Colours can make us feel happy or sad and they can make us feel hungry or relaxed. Red, orange and yellow are all warm colours. Warm colours make us feel happy. However yellow, red and orange can also mean danger. Red can also make you feel hungry.Cool colours include green,Blue and purple.Cool colours are usually calming but can also mean sadness.Purple can mean creativity as its a mix of blue and red.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Mondrian art.
When Mondrian made his paintings, he would always mix his own colours and never use the paint directly out of a tube. He often used primary colours - red, yellow and blue to keep his paintings pure and simple.
Monday, 30 November 2020
Andy Warhol.
In 1961 Andy Warhol came up with the idea of using popular items in his art. He called pop art. He would use pictures of these common items and change their colours. Andy used bright, contrasting colours in his art.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Kandinsky thought that shapes and colours by them self's were art. He felt that he could express feelings and music through colours and shapes in his paintings. He thought that yellow sounded like a trumpet and that some colours put together could sound like a piano.
Friday, 13 November 2020
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Boxing recount.
Have you ever did boxing before?
Because i have.
Every Tuesday we go to boxing.And Very quietly we walk in a straight line.Anxiously we arrive at the hall and we sat on the floor and we listened to Pax teach us how to put the weird liner on, so she explained calmly and slowly. Then she Energetically told all the girls to get the weird liners and boxing gloves we easily put the liners on and it was time to put on the boxing gloves the first one was easy to put on but them but for me it was easy because I just had to slide my hand through.After that Pax did a demo with Aaliyah.Then we had to find a partner and face each other on two line.One side had to be the coach and the other had to do the boxing for a minute then we would switch after every minute was done then the boxing kiwi sport was finished Pax told us how to take the liners off and boxing gloves we just had to slide the boxing off and we got told how to take it off she said to take it off by the top of the liners and put it on the floor and put the boxing gloves together and we walked back to class
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
''I got a letter from my brother''. Jon exclaims.
"And its in secret code just like when we were kids''. Jon explains to Garfield"."whats it say"?
Enquires Garfield wearily."whoever reads this is a poo-poo head".Replies Jon sadly."They've come so far".suggests Garfield.
Jon pours all the salt all over the table.
Okay who loosened the top on my salt shaker?
Jon asks as Garfield giggles to himself.
Garfield, that wasn’t very nice.
Says Jon angrily.
You’re right, that wasn’t very nice.
Replies Garfield.
But it was extremely funny.
Monday, 2 November 2020
Friday, 30 October 2020
On a sunny and cloudy Thursday,we got told that we were going to play skipping relays.So first we lined up in our team lines.Then we silently walked to the fields and then we sat on the grass and then we started playing relays with the skipping ropes so Miss King split up all of our house colour
teams.One half went on the other side while our half still stayed where we Then the other side got on skipping rope for each teams and the people on my half also got a skipping rope the on on the other half had to run and skip to the end we had a skipping challenge so then we had to do a vote and Finally we finished and then we came back inside.
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Jon holds up the empty yellow plate and says..There were 3 dozen cookies on this plate...Garfield looks wearily at Jon while he shouts.And now they’re gone! Garfield thought for a minute before pointing at the plate and saying.Bad plate! Jon sighs, will Garfield ever be normal?
Look Garfield! I’m touching my toes!
Exclaims Jon excitedly wearing his striped pyjamas. I’m happy for you Jon. Garfield says.This is a great exercise. Why don’t you join me? Asks Jon.Sounds a bit strange, but OK. Replies Garfield, reaching down to touch Jon’s toes.
Autumn Leaves poem
Red leaves
gold leaves
get as loose
as my front teeth
then they fall out.
In granny’s garden
the tall oak tree
is as old as my mother.
It makes a red leaf carpet
on the ground.
Swish swish
I make a wish.
Lie on the magic carpet,
fly to the gold palace.
Swim in the
sea of leaves.
Swish swish swish
as quiet as a fish.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
Recount about line tag.
On Thursday morning Miss king said that we were going to write our recount so everyone put their shoes on but Taisha did not. So we all lined up to go to the courts. First we went in our House Colour teams then we all sat down in our House Colours. So after that Miss King explained that we were going to play line tag so she explained how to play. Then we started playing. Miss King said that Fale and Naomi Were the tagers. First we lined up on a yellow line then we played the game, then I saw Fale running towards me I tried to run away but Raphael was blocking my way so he just stood there and he stopped and I was trying to keep running but I got tagged I was angry and tired so I just sat down and watched the teams still play then the rest of our team play then the rest of the teams got out nut Te Aurere still had a lot of people. Almost all of Hikianalia got out. Samuel was the last one in Hikianalia. After that it was Te Aurere who won that round. After all that it was Hine Moana who won all the games. Finally we went inside and I was happy.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Garfield punctuation.
Garfield and Jon dash excitedly for the hot dog. ''Ha! i beat you to it''. Exclaims Jon as their hands reach for the hot dog at the same time Uh, Garfield. Would you mind taking your claws out of my hand?Asks Jon clearly in pain.Give me a good reason. Replies Garfield, hoping to win the yummy treat.
Jon and Garfield are standing together outside a mouse's hole. ''That is a mouse''. Jon angrily shouts ''you are a cat''! Insists Jon pointing to a small mouse sticking his head out of his house. ''pleased to meet you'' says Garfield shaking the mouse's hand while poor Jon hits head in despair.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Recount Heads or tails
This morning Miss King told us we were going to play outside to do our recount but sadly it rained. Then Miss King had an idea, so she said,''we are going to play the game heads or tails. So then Miss King said,"Stand up and push you'r chair in''., then we started. First we all had to stand up and we either had to pick heads or tails, so she tossed the coin and picked one on the first round no one won. and on the second round I was in with some one in Miss Adina so we both picked tails until Miss told me to picked heads it was a close one then Miss tossed the coin and said, Heads then I won the twenty points for Hikianalia then Miss king told us again to stand up, and then Miss King tossed the coin then I lost then it was out of Taisha and Prodeus Miss king counted down from five and luckily Miss king picked heads. Taish won! Then taisha got the twenty point for Hokule'a. We silently we all sat back down and started writing our recount. Even though I enjoyed the game I still wished we could have played out side.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Calvin and Hobbes.
Calvin and Hobbes were lying in bed when Calvin suddenly sits up.''Any monsters under my bed tonight''? He screams. ''No, Nope, Uh, - Uh'' come the ghostly whispers from under the bed. ''well, there'd better not be, i'd hate to torch one of you with my thrower''! shouts Calvin standing on the edge of his bed. '' you have a flame thrower''? Hobbes asks skeptically. ''They lie, I lie''. Whispers Calvin from under the covers.
Linus and Lucy are watching TV late one night.
I thought you were going to study for a history test.
Lucy says to Linus.
I don’t have to…. I’m just going to put the book under my pillow.
Replies Linus as he heads off to bed.
Linus places the book under his pillow and says to himself.
During the night, the answers will seep upward through the pillow
Linus snuggles down under the covers and whispers.
I hope!
I thought you were going to study for a history test.
Lucy says to Linus.
I don’t have to…. I’m just going to put the book under my pillow.
Replies Linus as he heads off to bed.
Linus places the book under his pillow and says to himself.
During the night, the answers will seep upward through the pillow
Linus snuggles down under the covers and whispers.
Monday, 21 September 2020
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Charlie brown Punctuation.
Charlie Brown shouts from the top of the pitcher’s mound.Lucy. ''Look out for the fly ball''! Lucy walks up to Charlie.''What did you say''? She asks.''I said, look out for the fly ball''!Charlie replies while Lucy walks off.''Thank you''! Exclaims Lucy as the ball hits her in the head.
Linus and Lucy are watching TV late one night.
''I thought you were going to study for a history test''.
Lucy says to Linus.
''I don’t have to…. I’m just going to put the book under my pillow''.
Replies Linus as he heads off to bed.
Linus places the book under his pillow and says to himself.
''During the night, the answers will seep upward through the pillow''
Linus snuggles down under the covers and whispers.
''I hope''!

Linus and Lucy are watching TV late one night.
''I thought you were going to study for a history test''.
Lucy says to Linus.
''I don’t have to…. I’m just going to put the book under my pillow''.
Replies Linus as he heads off to bed.
Linus places the book under his pillow and says to himself.
''During the night, the answers will seep upward through the pillow''
Linus snuggles down under the covers and whispers.
''I hope''!
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
Cross Country Story.
On a peaceful cloudy morning my class and the year three went to go see the Cross Country course. First we went to line up then we started walking, through the gates after that we went around the red flags then we saw Pukeko, there were Eight red flags we had to go around all of the flags. My legs got tired, the whole walk was 1km. It was a long walk then we finally finished our walk. after that we we lined up again to go back to class and we went to class.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
''Where should we go on our vacation Garfield''? Jon asks Garfield excitedly.''The kitchen''! Replies Garfield enthusiastically.''I don’t know why I talk to you''. Says Jon as he walks away in defeat.''We can set up a tent next to the refrigerator''. Garfield continues eagerly.
Jon screams as a giant meatball rolls across the table towards him.Save me! It’s a giant meatball from outer space.Garfield marches in with his fork.''Never fear the Meatballinator is here''! Declares Garfield, ready to eat.All of a sudden Garfield is awoken from his nap.''I hate waking up''. He sighs sadly.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Friday, 4 September 2020
Smile Poem.
My Poem about my dad
face: His face is like a sunshine.
Smile: His smile is big as a sunflower.
Hands: His hands are as strong as a superhero.
Arms: His his arms are as soft as a pillow.
Legs: His legs are hairy and big.
Finger: His fingers are like stars.
Heart: His heart is big as an angel.
Stare: His stare is happy as a puppy.
Voice: His voice is like a rainbow.
Laugh: His laugh is as funny as a donkey.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Garfield Punctuation.
1 Garfield and Jon stare wearily at their morning coffee..''My iced coffee is cold''.Jon questions ''Duh Jon''.Quips Garfield.Garfield waits patiently for Jon to realise what he has said.''And there’s ice in it'' Says Jon feeling so confused.Garfield slams his face down onto the table in despair.
2 Garfield is lying asleep on the table while Jon grasps his morning coffee.''We should do something''.Jon suggests wearily.As he turns away,Garfield replies.''yes we should''.Jon looks back at Garfield and suggests again.''I mentioned we should do something right?''Garfield points at the ceiling and declares.''Which counts as doing something''.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Captain Underpants Stage 2.
As the sun rises and the paperboy delivers the newspaper, George wakes up singing.''I love Saturdays''. Harold suddenly wakes up and joins in the singing ''When anything is possible''. Both boys jump out of bed happily and greet each other at their windows. ''I love Saturdays cause I can wear my pyjamas all day''.. Dances George as he sings loudly.The boys dance on in to their living rooms and while jumping on to his couch. Harold replies. ''I love Saturdays cause I can watch TV all day''. Then throwing away his cereal bowl, Harold adds.''I can pee a little bit in my underwear and no one will mind''. George looks over at his friend,horrified. Opps
Friday, 7 August 2020
The great pyramids of Giza.
The great pyramids of Giza is one of the most famous tourist attraction. The pyramids are about 150m Tall. They had to use their hands to build the pyramids.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Captain Underpants.
A class of children are sitting on the mat.''This is me in kindergarten''. Says George Exclaims Harold.The teacher begins writing on the board and says.''The seventh planet from the sun is called….. Uranus'' George and Harold burst into laughter.The teacher quickly turns to glare at the boys. Turning back to the board she says Scientists………... George looks over to Harold.Laughs Harold quietly.Continues George laughing at Harold.''I know''...The teacher turns and coughs ''Hrmm Hrmmm'' She continues speaking as she writes on the board. ''Known as a gas giant''...''Hahahahahahahaha'' Laugh the boys hysterically.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Friday, 31 July 2020
The Great wall of China.
The Great wall of China is the longest structure that human have built. It is more than 2000 years old and is made of rocks and dirt. It was built for protection from long ago. It is one of the most responsible symbols of China and is not just one wall but is many different walls.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
The trolls all gathered round to make a plan.''we have to unite all the trolls. And if we don't stop her, who will?'' Poppy asked hopefully. Brunch rolled expertly across the tree ''we're going to need a battle plan, and weapons!'' He announced while preparing to fight. Violence never solved a problem...'' Started Poppy. ''Hey guys is this some kind of jewel - It’s actually kind of cool looking.'' She added while watching the gold shine in the sunlight. ''Gimme that!'' Shouted Branch, grabbing for Poppy The only weapons we need are this guy and this guy. Flexed Poppy, before smiling, ''For hugs!''
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Monday, 27 July 2020
Friday, 24 July 2020
The Sydney Opera House.
The Sydney Opera House the Sydney Opera House holds concerts and events, it is an iconic building. Sometimes tourist go, it is also shaped like a sail it is at Sydney harbour. My favourite part is the roof because its shaped like sails and I think its cool when it float on the water.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Batman and Robin.
The plane lifted off into the clouds. ''Hey, are you up for another top secret super hero mission to defeat the Joker''? Said Batman, as the plane zoomed away. ''Oh I’m down to stop that clown''. Said Robin while peering round the chair. ''But I don’t want to make my other dad - Bruce Wayne, angry''. ''Do you think we’ll be done before my bedtime''? Asked Robin. ''Bedtime''! Screamed Batman angrily. ''Batman’s life lesson number 2. Vigilantes don’t have bed times''. Said Batman, leaning back in his chair. ''Yes''! Exclaimed Robin happily. ''So - what’s the vigilante policy on cookies''? He asked hopefully…. ''Unlimited''!
Monday, 29 June 2020
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
'' Stay in there and be quiet '' Whispered Tom as he approached the elevator. '' How much longer ''? I
cant breathe in here.'' said Sonic from inside the bag. A lady looked over at Tom and asked. '' Do you have a child in there '' ? Tom looked back at the lady and said '' No ''! Then Tom added '' I mean yes, its a child, but its not mine''. The lady looked rather worried before a concerned man question, '' its not your child ''? Tom stayed staring straight ahead while Sonic said, '' Smells like body spray and ham sandwich''.
Friday, 19 June 2020
Grammar writing
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Moana meets Maui
Monday, 15 June 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Nemo and Dory Story
This morning our class went to skate boarding then we lined up to go skate boarding then when we
went pass the hall the we went on the court and lined up on the yellow line then we all grabbed a skateboard then lined up on another yellow line Then Simon told us how to use the skateboard but I already knew how to use a skate board. Then we all we went to skate to the other side and came back until he told us to stop. Then we lined up on the yellow line and he told us how to tic tac, after learned how to tic tac we played Mr wolf and simon was the wolf then we played. Then he kept turning around and if anyone was moving they had to move four spaces back and if anyone was in front of him the had to move eight steps back then I was the wolf but I was scared to say whats up wolf pack. Then Blessing was the wolf because he won like me.